All negatives and slides are scanned with a 23 megapixel scanner and average approximately at a 2928x2192 resolution for a typical 35mm negative. Depending on other type of negatives (110, 126), some scans may vary in resolution. All photo scans are scanned at 1200dpi.
All files are saved in .jpg format (a request can be made for alternate file types). Scans may be auto colour corrected upon request at no additional cost.
Below is a slide scan that My Favorite Memories has recently converted. Apparently, the slide was found in a basement after disappearing for a few years, and had been played with by a dog. There would be an additional small fee for restoring damaged slides or pictures (like this), but what a difference a little love and care can make!
Slide, as found
*Please note that all slides must be removed from any slide holders or carousels previous to drop off